Monday, October 30, 2006


My cousin lost the list of exams the youth are having soon or now for prayers...

Tsk tsk... NOT GOOD!! (Personally, he should have taken better care... He's not 100% into it now.)

However, he remember his timetable! (Yay!)

And went into his sister's and my room to check on our calender as well...

He found his sister's written in bold black pen and mine was empty.

He couldn't bother jotting down what I said so... he emailed his and his sister's timetable and wrote this at the end "Esther's timetable is still being finalised..."



However, youth have been hitting a peak these 4 or so months... (My memory is BAD!) Thank God. We've been praying hard for this. PLUS... MORE GIRLS!!! YAY!!!

Things to say "Hallelujah!"
  1. 7 youths got baptised.
  2. One of them WAS a mormon addict. He was "troublemaker" in making but God turn him the right way round.
  3. The really "LONG TIME NO SEE" (2 years...) have started coming back.
  4. Youth attendence hitting 30-40 in a few months.
  5. They are giving towards depth-thinking during discussion time.
  6. Those who were against it (came with their friends) were now actually giving it a lot of thoughts.
  7. Youth leader's changing. He's a much more matured one compared to my cousin. (Sorry lolz. It's the truth.
It has been pretty cool as these weeks. One thing I should do is to find something to give thanks everyday. I've been pretty pessimistic. No idea why... NOT HORMONES LOL! Things have been going the wrong way, kept questioning God. I should think of it as a different light. There is a purpose. I need to be more optimistic. Think of the brighter side.

The discussion actually helped. I was thinking of a list of things and I've actually thought of them all. I did think of the other side but it meant nothing towards me. I've been fearing death last year because of my parents. They are not here with me and I miss them heaps. I was scared that they might die suddenly (WHAT THE HECK!!) and I would not see them anymore. That was how pessimistic I was. I've no idea to vent it. BUT, even with the knowledge that I would see them in heaven still does not sooth my fears. No wonder I was getting depressed AGAIN. I have to learn to leave everything to God. He has His plans. So far even in my practicum I know that He has a hand in it. I changed schools from Balmoral to Freemans Bay (Uni changed that), had a supportive associate teacher, a great visiting lecturer, lovely children and a fantastic school.

It's coming to the end of the year. I'm finishing 1st year. Can't believed it. I've gotta find things to be grateful for this year.... MUST. Something good about me, friends, church and family. ><"

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Two good news to say

I can use the credit card statement to show that it is my laptop...


I had no idea what I was writing about............
Last minute job some more... Hahahhahaha... I am sooooooo happy...
I was worried that I would fail it.
Thank God.

A- for the stupidest subject I ever studied. It sounds good, Education in Aotearoa New Zealand BUT... I really never got the hang of it. I got blur on equity, equality, social justice (til now still don't really get it) and wadeva thing they throw at us. What I really enjoy is the history of the education system TIL it got to the legislations and acts and policies... *yawns*

A- rocks!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I do not want to be a doctor liao...

I used to remember that my ambition (I think it is EVERY KIDS ambition at 5) is to be a doctor. However I DO NOT WANT TO BE ONE now!!!

  1. Biology really does not speak to me
  2. My calling is not in med field
  3. I really pity my cousin, Vincent.
  4. But he's real good at studies anyway...
  5. OoooHhh!! He can go tons of things and get his studies done...
  6. HE HAS FREE DINNERS!!!!! At expensive restaurants...
  7. Freebies all the time. Anything you want, anything you get...
I love teaching anyway...

Thank God my calling is at teaching...

I doubt my people recognising skills...


This really makes my best buddy in Education goes (-____-)"

It was the holidays. Mine you, we had practicum for 4 weeks then 2 weeks hols. SO it all equals to 6 weeks of not seeing her... I did see her for a while when I went into her shop to say hi.

Then I went out with my high school friend for lunch and we sat at Albert Park talking before she had to go to class. It's always Education Faculty that has the weirdest holidays... ><"

We were sitting and talking about Christianity (I've no idea how we got there) and I was inviting her to come to church when she saw my friend. She only met her once when we went for karaoke. Weeell... Xu was like hey isn't that your Korean friend?

I squinted... Looked real close and came to this conclusion. She looks like my friend but I don't think she is.

Xu was like... I'm sure she is... She looks a lot like your friend.

I was still in denial... NAh... It's not her... LOOKS a lot like her but don't think is her...

Xu was very persistant in this matter. She went I think she really is your friend.

That girl (thank goodness) walked closer and I was like... HEY IT IS MY FRIEND!!!

And I was calling her out...


Xu can recognise someone she has only seen once but I can't even though that is a person I would see 4 days a week... TSk tsk... And I met her like 2 days before that incident. I really need to upgrade my memory........... It is only working 64MB now... Not 2G as it should be.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006





I really don't have it with me... I hope it is at home lol...

Monday, October 23, 2006


I'm thinking of changing my blogger layout again.

It seems that I can't stick with one long enough...


It's weird. I usually hate changes. I hate stepping out of my comfort zone. I hate making new friends. I hate going to a new place. I hate going to a new school.

I hate new things. However, I seem not to hate changing my layout. It's just weird. Why?


I've got warranty. My laptop can be fixed. MAN!


I dropped:
  1. Mobile... Lucky is 3310.
  2. Violin. It had a cracked surface til I got it mended last year...
  3. Laptop.
  4. Spectacles. I even ruined two of them in one month.
  5. Anything that belonged to me has been dropped at least once.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


My laptop fell off the bed.

Not the normal single bed.

A double bunker. I sleep on the top.

THANK GOODNESS it can still work.

BUT all it does is tell me media failure.

How it fell off?

I was sleeping, tossed around and the rest is history.

My Toshiba laptop who is NOT even 1 is already in ICU cz of ME!

Very careless... A costly mistake. I'm sorry...

I can't cry cz I'm still shocked.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Very unlucky...

I was stupid enough to miss two buses... Not one... TWO!! Apalah... *smacks forehead*

The reason for the first one... Didn't run fast enough... By the time I reached the bus stop, the bus was pulling away and bus driver ignored me.

Second time... So engrossed with my reading that I didn't notice the bus... AND the other guy who was at the bus stop didn't wave for the bus driver to stop. SO MISSED that bus again... I was at the bus stop more than 40 minutes... Almost made me late for class!!!


I saw something really cute. A mum was pushing her twin-seater baby stroller towards my stop and it had two really really really cute boys. NOT twins though... Around the age of 2-3 years old. One was sleeping. Well, the mum had to fold the stroller cz it was too big for the bus and she had to wake the kid that was sleeping. He opened his gorgeous hazel eyes and his mum got him to stand. His brother was already walking towards bus stop but he went back and hold his brother's hand cz he was not standing very steadily. From where I was sitting I could see the sleepy kid's head nodding front and back. He was sleeping standing up!! So cute... His mum had to pat him a few times on the face before he was totally awake. His cheeks actually went really red... Aaawwww...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Heheh... Just bored...

I was finishing my autobiography when I thought why not post my baby photos?? Cz I know I look adorable... Even more than now. At least I don't look anorexic... People say I'm too thin now!! I eat a lot!!

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Ooooh... My first birthday... My parents looked so young!!!

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Hehhe... I was interested in music at an early age... Don't ask me who is behind us. I bloody have no idea...

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My favourite-est photo of those my mum sent over... I know I am cute... ^^

Friday, October 13, 2006

I am a weirdo...

We were waiting for the bus at Mt Eden Rd when a tour bus full of guys (young ones...) wearing the same shirt.

What NZ-ers would think: Might be the Kiwis (rugby) who are going past...
What I thought: Waaah... Why all wear the same shirt de??
What my Korean friend thought: The Aussies? Looks like them...

Both connected to sports... I connected with the shirts... WHY!?

I watch rugby and netball. These are the most popular games in New Zealand. Don't even mention our football team... and our basketball team.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


I made a mistake in the Chinese supermarket today. I was buying some food (obviously) and then this old guy came up to the lady and asked a question. I had my earphones on so I ignored. The lady answered him, saying that she does not understand Chinese but the old man was very persistant. I got him to repeat the question again and he asked: 味精 (wei jing) 在哪儿?

You know what I did?

I translated as "He's asking for tissues."

The lady thought the guy wanted tissues. And handed him a roll of toilet paper.

The old man was really confused. He must be thinking, this Chinese-speaking girl must be crazy. Tell her 味精 she tell the person 纸巾 (zhi jing).

He repeated it again but this time, he was clever enough to say it was for cooking then... A light bulb shone on top of my head... However I was still blurry and stupid enough not to translate BUT I do know Ajinomoto!!! Remembered the very annoying song from the commercial, "Cap Cap Cap, Cap Ajinomoto!"

Luckily the check out person was not as blur... She knew what was Ajinomoto and was able to direct the guy to the right aisle.

Imagine: 味精=纸巾

Esther, Esther... What were you thinking?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

It's my daddy's birthday today!! OoooH~

I can't celebrate it with him AGAIN...

We used to eat out on birthdays and for the last two years when I was in Kuching, we had Peking duck at Li Garden. I missed that... I didn't get to eat it last year... BOoHoo~ *sob* *sniffles*

Daddy told me bedtime stories
Daddy hugged and kissed me
Daddy sang me to sleep
Daddy bought me my first Barbie doll
Daddy is always there
Daddy listens to me
Daddy is patient when I throw a tantrum
Daddy is neutral when I fight with mummy
Daddy loves me a lot
Daddy taught me about God, prayer and he models it for me
Daddy is my role model
Daddy loves me and mummy very much
Happy Birthday Daddy!!

I missed my parents tons.............................. and my mum's food...

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Why? What?

Some said I talked too much. Some said I don't talk at all. Which is the truth?

Both are. I talked too much around my friends, my immediate family (mum, dad, Pui and San). I don't talk at all when you are my relative but I fear you and I don't know you. I would say hello and things like that but ask me to find a topic to talk about, nah... That's hard. I just can't open a topic and talk to you about it. Is it abnormal? Tell me please...

My aunt complains that I wouldn't open my "gold-laden" mouth. Why? I don't know what to talk about around her. I'm not like her children, being able to just just open a topic and talk about it. She may be my relative and I may grow up around her but it's fear of her that keeps me from talking openly and freely towards her. It seems absurb but it's really that kind of feeling that something has a grip on your heart and wouldn't let go. So what I do is just let them do all the talking. I'm fine with my mum and even dad. I talk like crazy and they do in turn. It's just the way they communicate around me and I tend to be a listener at home rather than the talker. My mum and dad talks a lot more at home but they also do ask me questions that would lead from one topic to another. My aunt expects me to be more of the talker rather than answering questions because to her, it is bad for communication. Things work 2 ways of more, you can't expect the way you think is right to be the correct one for another person. It is hard fitting in towards one's "right" way of life and then they condemming the way you used to live is "wrong".

I've lots of hurts in my almost 2 years in NZ and they still hurt. Most of them through my aunt. Our tongue is like a knife. Be careful on how you use it. She wields her tongue like a sharp knife and it slashes my heart countless times not only by saying hurtful things about me and also my parents. One thing I really cannot tolerate is someone condemming the way my parents raised me. PLEASE. There is no such thing as perfect parenting and every single parent would raise their child in their own way. No matter how different and how wrong it might seem to you, do not ever comment on the way my parents raised me. I am the more sensitive kind as my background is not just a simple one even it might be simpler than how it is today.

I've said lots of negative things against my aunt but it's just from the perspective of me. Others would find her funny, nice and lovely but everyone has their own sides towards others so this is not being judgemental. It's just how she acts towards me and how I interpreted it. She might not mean harm but I think it did.

I've matured as a person. I really did. I may still act childish but my thinking has matured. It is an arduous walk and I am still walking towards the end, knowing that the Lord is holding my hand and walking with me. I may stray and felt the Lord slipping away but it is me who slipped away from him. I know He would be there for me, just waiting for me to cry out to Him.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

This is the BOMB!!!

I was (as usual) surfing blogs I read like twice a month and I found this...

"Not So Furious"

Omigosh... If you've heard the Fast and Furious:Tokyo Drift song by the Terriyaki Boyz, it's annoying and sounds like it's a song gone bad. If you haven't, you could download it here...

It's the new remix version by one of my favourite Malaysian deejays Rudy and JJ, (even though it's really limited to Hitz fm...) and they are SOOOO DAMN GOOD!!!

Thanks to Melissa who wrote up the lyrics WHICH makes no sense to me because I'm the worst person in da world to have to listen to lyrics as they never makes sense... I'm not explaining myself well am I? ARGH who cares... Just listen to them. Some need explaining though. It's heavily accented Malaysian... I think.



First guy:

Another remix by JJ and Rudy

Second guy:

Rentak rentak, drift (drip) drift drift.

Here we go

I wonder if you know

How to be a mat motor

If you like it come and try(tly) it then you really(leally) really(leally) know

We’re not so furious…

*rempit, rempit, rempit*

We’re not so furious…

*rempit, rempit, rempit*

Eh rush la ii

Eh Jalan sempit lar

What you (tchou) call me ah Mat Rempit

Chinese guy:

I wanna go fast a little bit,

Come another road I go *peet peet*

Ampang, (WHAT!)

Seremban (YAY!)

I do superman, sedikit

Monte Crew Boy sepuluh cc

All my motor under VIP

Many many cars go driving *ring ring*

Cutting here and there no signaling *ring ring*

Screaming scolding yawning speeding

None of them even look-ing

I don’t want no pro-be-lum

Need to get to work so please faham

Screaming cutting jeluting tankiuk!!

Simply I don’t get some man

Su hutang sudah krome

Mat gat sudah krome

Mat chamber is buluh

Mat moto is still slow!!

My kocek is kosong

My paycheck take so long

Tweaking adding exhaust tiling

Money spent, still going slow!!

I wonder if you know,

How to be a mat motor (alamak dude, hold on)


I wonder if you know

How to be a mat motor

If you like it come and try(tly) it then you really(leally) really(leally) know

We’re not so furious…

*rempit, rempit, rempit rempit*

We’re not so furious…

*rempit, rempit, rempit*

Break it down in BM let it go

Alright, here we go, here we go

Anda sedia? Anda sedia? SUDAH sedia!

Saya akan cakap BAHAYA

Saya mau

One one one (Oh), apa takde nyanyi you

Sori saya tak fahaham (laughs)

I wonder if you know

How to be a mat motor

If you like it come and try(tly) it then you really(leally) really(leally) know

We’re not so furious…

*rempit, rempit, rempit rempit*

We’re not so furious…

*rempit, rempit, rempit*

There are some more at the end but I really cannot catch it. Weeelll... Enjoy being annoyed by it!! IT's really addictive I warn ya...

tsk tsk tsk...


I've got a new pair of specs... AND I've not told my aunt yet... -_-" Should have told her lah...

They are PLASTIC!!! Not rimless, not metal but... PLASTIC...

Who knew that plastic would be in fashion now?? Everyone's wearing them, albeit they might look really stupid on your face.


Insurance lah... Did you think I've got a really really really cool friend that dumps money on me cz I'm really really really cool to her?? NooooOOOoooo but I did wish something like that...

I took some photos of me wearing it.

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Aren't they cool?? Do I look weird or ok?? My friend who went along said they look nice and I just met another friend and she told me I look cool with it... Uhm... Still having doubts. My mum also did cz she saw a few people wearing them AND THEY DO NOT LOOK GOOD IN IT!! Argh... Come on people... TELL ME!!! I don't bloody care if you are strangers... Say, Cool... Or Kewt... Or... TERRIBLE LAH, Like aunty wan lah... Hahahahhaa...

Oh yeah... Holidays coming to an end... And what did I do?? Watched this Korean drama... I actually read the comic first and then noticed that there is a drama based lightly on the comic so... I took advantage of people's broadband and...*hee hee* rest assured... I was watching it online at youtube.

*shakes head*

Crazy girl...

And now, this is my wallpaper...

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Siao char bo...

I wrote this post cz youtube is under maintainance... *sobs*