Sunday, July 2, 2006


Yay!!! It's officially the hols now... For 2 and a half weeks. (Half a week gone 'coz of of darn exam)

  1. Watching chinese and korean drama series...
  2. Read as much manga I can get my hands on
  3. Meet up with long lost friends.
  4. Baking at Jessica's place with Annaliesa (plus their siblings)
  5. Sleep as much as possible. I think I should be a pig...
  6. Practise piano. I've not been touching the piano as much as I'm supposed to
Oh... Another matter. My STUPID, IDIOTIC, MORON cat... (the one i posted about) has gone missing again during the week but THANK GOODNESS! it came home. I'll really go crazy about it's disappearing acts. What the heck it is thinking about?? DUMB and DUMBER. Cats are supposed to be clever, being able to find it's way home. This cat apparently is not part of that species of being clever and find it's way home. It practically is dumb. It even tries a hand in being a diplomat for the other cat when it's fighting with cats or dogs. DUMB eh? It even went up to this dog and tried making friends with it. OMGosh... That's why my mum's so scared that it would be kidnapped 'coz it's friends with everyone! Ah, the life of a dumb cat.

And... I'm so looking forward to go back home soon. Yay!!

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