Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Song of the moment: We wish you a merry Christmas (It's stuck in my head!!)


I lost my post cz it went crazy and wouldn't open to the window I wanted. STUPID. I spent HOURS (not literally speaking) on it. Hah!?! and it conked out on me. Nevermind. I've got the perseverence of a cockroach. (EeeEWww... Better find a normal one).

Yup. I was going and still am gonna introduce you to JOSHUA!
Actually we all call him Dong Dong rather than Joshua.
Dong Dong makes me wanna sing "dong ka long dong qiang dong qiang dong qiang", the CNY songs my gang (Pai Yien, Joo Ying, Khai Ling, Irving Yap) used to sing as kids and I lip-synched along cz my Chinese was practically non-existent, PLUS the fact that I didn't start speaking Chinese til 9? I speak Chinese (weirdly according to my China friends), read and write almost badly. Basic stuff yes, but not flowery kinda language like the sakura petals fall softly to the ground (WHICH is BAD cz I had to made it up. INSTANTANEOUSLY)


Back to topic. Dong Dong!

He's hilarious.

5 thing you need to know about him:
  1. He's good at music
  2. He's fantastic at music
  3. He's wonderful at music
  4. He's marvelous at music
  5. He's superb at music

Uhmm... I found out another thing he's good at... HOW?? To cut a long story short, uhm... *skip*...*skip*...*skip* and we went for dinner at this real nice restaurant.It's real cool with the authentic Chinese feel towards it. All the furniture and stuff, paintings and deco. Real cool!! Weeell... Ming and Wendy (did I tell you guys that they were the one who brought us there?) ordered this fish. Actually they called it something else but the waitress (who was real... uhm... stern) wrote down Kungfu fish. WONDER WHY? why? Why??WHy???WHY???? Did they make the fish do kungfu before having it cooked so the meat is nice and supple? Is it like that? WHY is it called kungfu fish? WHY cannot call it other names? WHY??? (I love asking why, I once taught a small kid (1 years old) to say "why" and it's made his sister mad.)

Distracted again...

Back to topic. Dong Dong. The fish came first and it was in this real big bowl of BOWL lah and it can put like at least 15 goldfishes (plural of goldfish? correct or not?) and the goldfishes can rent it out to a few more goldfishes as well. Weeeelll... MAN. OMG. The fish was practically SWIMMING (literally) in chillies, and with a thick goo of chilli oil on top of it. It was man, hot! Hot as in hot not hot in hot. I'm being annoying here.

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SWIMMING in chillies... Presenting KUNGFU FISH!!!!!!

A must when u eat out, take photo with the food.

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Anti-clockwise: Dong Dong, me, Ming and Wendy.

That fish was actually only small hot (direct translation lah u dorks) and I couldn't bear eating it for more than 3 small bowls. AS in SMALL bowls. Man, I'm lousy. Dong Dong, on the other hand, is my HERO!! my ROLE MODEL!!!!! I admire, pei fu (OMG. I'm running out of words here) *ask my brother for translation to foochow and malay* fui fu, kagum. OH O... What's admire in Hokkien? *ask Wee Kiet* pui ock, pui fu. He practically drank the soup MINUS the chilli, PLUS the oil like water. It's like hot, numb. Numbingly hot? Hahahaaha... Hiak hiak hiak. My mouth was like tasteless for 10 minutes after drinking the damn soup and it wouldn't go back to normal for uhm... 2 hours.

Ok Dong (kuasa dua), I will repeat myself. I admire (English), pei fu (Chinese), kagum (BM), fui fu (Foochow), pui fu (Cantonese), pui ock (Hokkien), bewonder (Dutch), admirez (French), bewundern Sie (German), θαυμάστε (Greek), ammiri (Italian), 賞賛しなさい (Japanese), 경탄하십시오 (Korean), восшхитите (Russian) and beundra (Swedish) you.

p.s. I'm not sure if all the translation are correct. Dun blame me lah. Online translator de...

Photos taken off cz of request. Won't ask why lah unless you wanna give any reason?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Nothing to say... Photos!!

Song at the moment: 潘玮柏 - 我想更懂你
Actually I owe this post to a friend who wanted to see photos. Hahaha... Nothing much. It's just me, youth and other stuffs. Hehehehhe... Enjoy them!!

First up is hmmm.... Lemme see... Youth birthday celebration for those whose birthday's fall during January til June. Hiak hiak hiak... I'm one of them! So, happy lah!

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The nine celebrating!!
L-R: Joshua (Dong Dong), Lian Hui (Nicole), Jessica, Annaliesa, me!, Charles, Leo, Victor & Perry

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We went crazy the next photo cz we had NICE cake to eat... Mmm... DELICIOUS!

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Lets take a group photo!!

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Hey!! The candles are not extinguishable. Melissa bought candles that would relight when they are blown out. Not good for cake-birthday-wishing... Cz u need to blow out ALL the candles so that your wish would come true and these wouldn't let us blow them out. *sob*

Ok... NExt up is Alex's farewell... No dinner or stuff lah... Just a cake me, Vincent and Melissa made. I think it's Banana Lemon cake? Something along that line lah...

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Mel did the words. Not bad for a first timer. Hahahhaa...

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Yup. First thing, take group photo first. The most important one.

p.s. HINT: Alex's next to Vincent and he's DEFINITELY not a girl.

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Then take a weird one. Don't think everyone was listening. NOT PASS!!

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*sob* *sob*
*sob* more...

p.s. OBVIOUSLY those who did not sob dunno him or are NOT LISTENING TO INSTRUCTIONS!!!

NEXT!! Mmmm... Go see geese!! After karaoke at Joey's anyway WHICH only... 6 turn up??

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YoOHOoOo... Eat us eat us eat us... MAN!! EAT US!!!!!!!

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Ze lake. ZE LAKE!! Hiak hiak hiak... Come and catch us!

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ESSENTIAL. NOTE: Must pose with geeses and ducks when u r visiting them

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Group photo. Obviously u can c who are the crazy ones...

LAST: DIWIN's birthday SUPPER/DINNER <-- some guys didn't had dinner even though it was..... 10pm? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Sorry Diwin. This is the only photo I've got of your birthday and it has me in it!!! Hahahah... I'm in red if u dunno... Hahaha.... Hiak hiak hiak hiak...

Kk... Grey's starting in 5 minutes.......

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Saying sorry?

18 July
My friend posted up a nice post on saying sorry in his friendster's blog (which incidentally NOT from Stampin or Kuching). I'm not the biggest fan of friendster's blog but yea, with the exception of his. Wonder why he chose friendster though... ^^?

p.s. It's in chinese lah...

Actually arh... His whole blog is pretty good. Fits me lah...

21 July
I found out that the damn link cannot be opened. Dunno why... So decided to just re-post his post. I've got his permission not to worry.

朋友, 对不起...


那种滋味不好受吧! 无论是谁的错,无可否认的,两人都希望能复合,若无其事地继续这一份友谊. 要说出对不起的第一个,往往是最珍惜这份友谊的. 两人的冷战,就因为没人想踏出第一步,向对方说声对不起,挽回这份友谊.


是尊严在作祟,先说了对不起,就代表自己真的向他认错了. 你明知道自己没错,为什么要跟他道歉? 先说对不起的人,应该是由他先讲. 一直都这样认为,直道一天,和一个要好的朋友凶吵了一架. 事情的原因,不能怪罪任何一方,两人都有错的成份. 我咬着牙根,死都不认错,坚定自己的立场不道歉,待他先说声对不起.

两人僵立耗了数小时,心里都不好受. 老师讲着课,我的脑中即浮起两人吵架的情景,也许,我们都太不理智了. 想告诉他,希望挽回这一份不易得来的友情,但是男儿膝盖有黄金,尊严阻止了我那么做.

“对不起.” 他真的先开口了.

“其实我也有错…” 我才颔首承认. 两个大男人说着这些话,真的挺尴尬,可是,就这样,我重新获得了一份更坚固的友谊.

回忆思考,原来值得羞愧的,应该是我. 他先说了对不起,反而显示了他的大方,一个男人想克制自己的尊严而率先认错,是需要多么大的勇气. 自己倒觉得也许真的错,是在我身上,觉得自己并不是一个值得托付的朋友,我把友情看得太淡了.

很多时候,说错了话,开错了玩笑,就足以毁去一份两人曾多么在乎的友谊. 经历了那么多,就那么一刻的争吵,而抹拭去了那一段互相交换秘密,安抚鼓励对方的惬意,太不值得了.

今天写下这一篇,就因为又跟另一个朋友吵架了. 为了一时的不过眼,将他的坏处开了一个过分的玩笑,两人就翻脸大吵. 始终,挨不过尊严的一关,他亦是倔强,两人就不语各自走各的. 冷静了下来,回想着适才的无知,瞬间却想对他诚挚地说: “朋友,我不想失去这份情谊.”


你也曾如此吗? 去把那些失去的友谊重拾回吧! 中学毕业了,我希望每个朋友都能祝福我的未来. 我不想在友谊间,残留下遗憾,在往日逢街迎面时,依然后悔着当初的误会. 那些曾经推心置腹,一起做傻事,一起畅饮高谈,一起打球,一起欢乐的兄弟,请原谅我无心的过失和曾经的失言与傲慢,让我真挚的说声抱歉:


著于 2005/2/17

Monday, July 17, 2006

Back to Uni... TOMORROW!

Ahahahahak. Uni officially starts today. And the lucky person (me) I get to stay at home cz... I've no classes on Monday de...

Hols are really bad. I've got bad sleeping habits. Normal lah compared to others but me, the person who MUST sleep by 12am has been sleeping at 2am and 3am (Ok lah ppl. It's not normal 4 me) and waking up at noon.


I can't wake up and it's 10 and I feel sleepy. I woke up at 8.30am. BAd. Classes starts at 8.30am tomorrow and it's gonna be WORSE than today. Aduhai... So wanna crash and sleep. I think I might take a nap = 3 hours of sleep but I'VE GOTTA COOK!!!! Adeh. Hate it lah cz my cousin's working today and my aunt expects food to be cooked fast fast n nice nice WHICH i cannot achieve. Adeh. Cook......................................................................

Mmmm... Sleep is calling me.


p.s. I usually download crap songs. However sometimes I get good songs day and have fantastic songs on my com. Apparently not today.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Me blog

I've just noticed that my blog is soooo nice. HAhaha... Thanks to Kim!! Man. I used to think that it would be lovely to have something like bear skins and stuff but sometimes, the simpler it is, the nicer it can get. Just had so much fun uploading the photos and stuff. Can personalise it anytime and anywhere I want. Girls will be girls even thought my guy friends would stand up and shout their objection about me being a girl. They will always think me as a tomboy. Man, having guys begging you to be more girly and EVEN giving you tips, I really sometimes wonder how girly I can be.

I've been blogging for what? 1 1/2 years? Ahahahha... I'm not witty or anything, just trying to express myself better with words. Sometimes my English just goes off without me managing to grab it and I've gotta subsitute it with words from Malay and Chinese. Maybe that's explains why I swear so much in 3 languages plus Hokkien. Wahahahahha...

Mmmm... I can smell food in Malaysia. Misses mum's cooking a lot!

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Mangas, Animes and TEEBEE shows!!

Charmed just had it's last ever episode in NZ... Boo hoo... I don't watch it at all but yea... I'm sad it's gone. And Bones has just released it's second season in the US. Cool! That means that I'll get to watch it starting of next year. House is not finishing any sooner and same goes for Grey's Anatomy. Erm... Ghost Whisperer is having it's season finale next week and... TADAH!!! Numb3rs's coming back!! That's such a cool show... Happie happie happie... YAY!!

I'm stuck on mangas (and animes) when I can get my hands on them. I LOVE Fruits Basket. It's sooooooooooooo CUTE! Damn adorable. Can't wait to finish the whole series... (I hope it does end, unlike Naruto and Inu Yasha). Imadoki's sweet... I thought it was a bit like the Boys' Over Flowers which incidentally is the Meteor Garden manga version. Imadoki's practically cuter and shorter than the Boys' Over Flowers. And now... I'm in love with Clamp's work (Card Captor Sakura creators) like xxxHolicxxx and Tsubasa. However I thought the Babylon one was kinda weird. Hehehehehe...

Reading too much mangas. Very addictive. Wahahahahahhahaa...


Yay!!! It's officially the hols now... For 2 and a half weeks. (Half a week gone 'coz of of darn exam)

  1. Watching chinese and korean drama series...
  2. Read as much manga I can get my hands on
  3. Meet up with long lost friends.
  4. Baking at Jessica's place with Annaliesa (plus their siblings)
  5. Sleep as much as possible. I think I should be a pig...
  6. Practise piano. I've not been touching the piano as much as I'm supposed to
Oh... Another matter. My STUPID, IDIOTIC, MORON cat... (the one i posted about) has gone missing again during the week but THANK GOODNESS! it came home. I'll really go crazy about it's disappearing acts. What the heck it is thinking about?? DUMB and DUMBER. Cats are supposed to be clever, being able to find it's way home. This cat apparently is not part of that species of being clever and find it's way home. It practically is dumb. It even tries a hand in being a diplomat for the other cat when it's fighting with cats or dogs. DUMB eh? It even went up to this dog and tried making friends with it. OMGosh... That's why my mum's so scared that it would be kidnapped 'coz it's friends with everyone! Ah, the life of a dumb cat.

And... I'm so looking forward to go back home soon. Yay!!