Thursday, May 5, 2005

~ c 0 o k | n G ~

Cooking... I'm learning heaps here. I can cook you know... Hahaha... Maggie Mi and eggs are my specialty back home.
I do love cooking but too lazy to do anything with it. Anyway sometimes my cooking do go awry. I did go to the toilet after eating it. At least I'm better after that lolz...
Learnt lots from my cousin... I do know how to cook now... Don't expect me to cook steak or fish and chips that sort of Western food... However I can proudly say that I can cook Lemon Chicken... If u have any cravings of eating home-cook fried chicken, find me... Don't expect me to cook for free... Cash and credit card accepted. Hahaahha... If none of those I mentioned... When I get back to Kuching, must do something that can make up for it... Hehehe... If you dare to eat lolz...

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