Thursday, June 19, 2008

I swear...

My practical is spelled as E-X-H-A-U-S-T-I-O-N.

I've no chance to talk to my mum because everytime she calls me and I pick up my mobile... It's to say... "Sleeping. Talk to you tomorrow."

(She calls my mobile on her mobile to get me to call back on landline.)


My blog is spelled D-E-A-D.

SIGH. No whatsoever sign of life here.

Might as well delete it? *ponders ponders*

A great quote for the day... Actually yesterday.

"Small things don't make a difference? Try sleeping in bed with a mosquito."


1 comment:

jiamiin said...

no wonder you dint online in msn these dayssss.......miss ya~HUGZ!