Monday, August 3, 2009

Lost my motivation...

I don't know. Life seems to be so... Motivation-LESs...

what gets me out of bed.

...... Can't name anything. Except what goes with shopping and meeting friends up. Or even re-watching lame dramas.

Which means, waste money, waste petrol, waste time.

I don't know. I used to have a goal.

To get something done by this this this...

Now, it goes down to, "Uh, can do it tomorrow."

Go GO GO!!!


or, maybe tomorrow. Sigh. My life sucks. Really.

Where's all that drive. Seems like I'm stuck in a particularly stressing and dark bend of that tunnel I've yet got to crawl out of. *sigh*

God's strength and He will lead me out.

Now, where's that competitiveness I've just concluded in youth?? Work as one. Esther, your brain and your heart and your body NEED TO WORK AS ONE. Not two.

One = Hardwork!!

Two = just procrastinate and waste time.

1 comment:

jiamiin said...
