Friday, April 1, 2005

I'm a terrible, horrigible, vegetable procastinator!!!

I've been meaning to write this blog for... 4 days?? However, I've not done it at all. This also happens to my homework but luckily, my teachers gives us at least 2 days to finish it. Haha...

So guys, how's your Easter?? Fun?? Boring?? Too short?? Hmm... I wouldn't complain over here. I had a full 5 days of Easter holidays and I admit, I did not spend my holiday in doing something very special... I slept most of it. Once I lie on my bed, I know that I'll be sleeping at the end of it... ^(00)^ PIG lolz... I guess my habits die really hard... Will asleep once I've nothing to do. akena pea... (I've just learnt it of the tv... it means perhaps) I love sleeping so much...

Ok ok... I did go out... To Goat Island. I know once you listen or see this name, you would wonder has goats have anything to do with the island?? I was gullible enough to think that the island will be full of a varity of goats. It's actually a marine reserve. Auckland University has a base there studying the marine life... Cool, but I didn't have the chance to go... I'm feeling sooo lazy to write more so I will let the pictures take the rest of the part. A picture is worth a thousand words right??

I'm a lazy bum... -___-"

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